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Personal data that may be processed
Het Vishuis may process the following personal data obtained in the context of the execution of its business activities. These personal data are obtained from the person concerned or their appointee, either directly or by filling in a contact form on the website, or through publicly accessible sources and may concern: Deze persoonsgegevens worden bekomen van de betrokken of hun aangestelde, hetzij rechtstreeks of via het invullen van een contactformulier op de website, hetzij via publiek toegankelijke bronnen en betreffen mogelijks:
- First and last name
- Address
- Place and date of birth
- Gender
- Telephone number
- National number
- Email address
- Bank account number
- Company number
- VAT Number
- IP address
- Image
Purpose of processing
Het Vishuis needs to process this personal data for the purpose of realising its social purpose:
In particular, the operation of a wholesale and retail trade in fish, crustaceans and molluscs, frozen products, supplies and sauces, both fresh, smoked, dried, salted, brined and baked.
The personal data is necessary for the execution of the agreements concluded by Het Vishuis with its customers, employees and suppliers and for the proper administration and optimal business management. Personal data of employees (employees and/or self-employed persons) that is processed within the framework of their cooperation is also necessary for compliance with the social and tax law obligations of Het Vishuis. Persoonsgegevens van medewerkers (bedienden en/of zelfstandigen) die worden verwerkt in het kader van hun samenwerking de zijn bovendien noodzakelijk voor de naleving van de sociaal- en fiscaalrechtelijke verplichtingen van Het Vishuis.
Retention period
The personal data held by Het Vishuis will, unless other legal obligations differ, not be kept longer than necessary for the realisation of the purpose for which they were collected.
The personal data at the disposal of Het Vishuis will not be disclosed to third parties, except with the consent of the person concerned, unless this is necessary for the execution of the agreement concluded with its customers and/or employees, or to comply with a legal obligation.
Analysis of the website visit
Het Vishuis records general visitor data, including the IP address of your computer, through the use of its website. The analysis of this data, which can be obtained via cookies, is solely used to improve our communication and service. This data will be anonymised as much as possible and will not be given to third parties in any way.
Google Analytics
Het Vishuis relies on Google Analytics, solely to map the ranking and use of its website.
The privacy policy of Google Analytics can be found on the link below:
Google Analytics may transfer this information to third parties insofar as these third parties process the information on behalf of Google Analytics or if the latter is legally obliged to do so.
Rights of data subjects
Each data subject concerned has the right to view the personal data processed about him/her by Het Vishuis, to ask for a copy, or have the data corrected or deleted. Such requests must be addressed to Het Vishuis, after which appropriate action will be taken within one month.
The Vishuis handles the personal data it processes in a responsible manner and has taken the appropriate initiatives with a view to securing its data, in terms of loss, theft or any other unlawful use of this data.
If you have any further questions regarding the processing of your personal data by Het Vishuis, please contact us:
Het Vishuis BV
Address: Putten 47, B-2320 Hoogstraten (Belgium)
VAT: BE 0822.071.436
Tel: +32 (0) 477 39 30 73 (B)
+32 (0) 3 297 23 36 (B)